these couple of days.....
these few days were ok i guess.... thursday was normal.... hahaha... decided to study together at May's house as May, Danny and me have accounts test on Fri whereas Andy and Maddy have physics test as well... we decided to eat at Penang Swimming Club as we were out of cash... andy and me had to sneak them in as they don't have membership... hahaha... ate a the restaurant... danny was so impatient to try the sago honeydew as he is making that for their group sales for account project... went to May's house after that and studied... Danny and me taught May whatever she is not sure of... had loads of laughter as usual... hahahhaa.... went home about 12 and turned in...
another pic of me, madeline, may and andy
SAM.... class of 2008....
today was also another boring day... did nothing except during the night when andy and me went to stephanie's house for pool... beat andy the first round... lolz... but lost to him the next 2 rounds... sniff..... hahahhaa.... had to bare the scary lift of steph's apartment... damn scary... making sounds of un-stabilness... scared the living hell out of me and andy.... hahaha... but it was fun...
Posted on 12:43 AM by Chuah Peng Chooi, Jonas and filed under | 0 Comments »
the next day was quite tension.... it was jasslyn's last day at college... she is going for form 6... so we took a group photo for her as remembrance... even Ms. Geong joined in... accounts test was only a few hours away but Maylyn, May, Danny, Eugene, Jolene and me were fooling around... lolz... release the tension within... hahahahaa... found out Andy won president ship for the SRC... was happy for him... too bad roger did not get vice... we had our test later... did ok i think... mistakes here and there... but whats done is done... went home and did nothing the whole day...

today was also another boring day... did nothing except during the night when andy and me went to stephanie's house for pool... beat andy the first round... lolz... but lost to him the next 2 rounds... sniff..... hahahhaa.... had to bare the scary lift of steph's apartment... damn scary... making sounds of un-stabilness... scared the living hell out of me and andy.... hahaha... but it was fun...
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