Accounting Sales Day 1
5th May 2008
today was the day we had our accounting sales... after planning for some time and a lot of discussions, this was it... the day... woke up early... car pulled with andy and fetched him to college... waited for may to arrive before we go to jolene's uncle's bakery to help pack up the orders.... Jo and LST were there since 7... tks for all the work... may and maylyn helped to pack up the cakes and pastries while i load as much things into the car... after that, we went back to college finding that IT was canceled due to the lack of attendance... hahahaa... happiness to us... started to get ready for the sales... our neighbors were the Drupple team which was danny, eugene, tzou en and poh hean... maylyn purposely kept a place for them beside us... hahahahaa.. i had to depart to economics class... but it was also canceled... double WOOHOO!!!!!! so stayed down and started to sell.... before that we sticked the banner and menu gloriously done by may the night before due to boredness.... delegated the tasks... may was in charge of receipts, maylyn the cakes, jolene the pastries, LST the customers and i was in charge of the ordering... hahahhaha....
The banner of our company...
Posted on 11:41 AM by Chuah Peng Chooi, Jonas and filed under | 0 Comments »
today was the day we had our accounting sales... after planning for some time and a lot of discussions, this was it... the day... woke up early... car pulled with andy and fetched him to college... waited for may to arrive before we go to jolene's uncle's bakery to help pack up the orders.... Jo and LST were there since 7... tks for all the work... may and maylyn helped to pack up the cakes and pastries while i load as much things into the car... after that, we went back to college finding that IT was canceled due to the lack of attendance... hahahaa... happiness to us... started to get ready for the sales... our neighbors were the Drupple team which was danny, eugene, tzou en and poh hean... maylyn purposely kept a place for them beside us... hahahahaa.. i had to depart to economics class... but it was also canceled... double WOOHOO!!!!!! so stayed down and started to sell.... before that we sticked the banner and menu gloriously done by may the night before due to boredness.... delegated the tasks... may was in charge of receipts, maylyn the cakes, jolene the pastries, LST the customers and i was in charge of the ordering... hahahhaha....

we had to first of all separate the orders so that it is easier to find... i was asked to take the lecturer's orders to them... had to run like a crazy guy... lolz... sales was slow at first... only lecturers and office people are buying... not until lunch time when we had to work our butts off...
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