Free of Assignments... for NOW!!!

ahhh.... assignments done... Law and Management plan handed up... Business Statistics test done... i feel so free for now... as many have said this before me, no human is satisfied... let me enforce this based on what is happening to me now aite... when assignments and workloads are a burden to you, you will complain about the amount of work and how little time you have to complete your work... though complains, whinings and tantrums are thrown, we will get our things done no matter what... here is the funny part though... when you are done with everything, you MIGHT feel relieved for like a day or 2 until you feel that there is nothing else to do and you will feel a sense of emptiness... everyone on earth calls it BOREDOM... lolz... NOW... you whine that there is nothing to do... until assignments and reports are placed on your shoulder again... the cycle will repeat itself for ALL college and university students... i am generalizing by the way... cause i usually hear this... might not imply to you... but it implies to me... lolz... that is why i am bored now... and next week there is more work to come as i have to hand up my Professional Development draft in 2 weeks time... see how it goes?? lolz... therefore i conclude that HUMANS ARE NEVER SATISFIED!!!! hahahaha...
Posted on 12:55 AM by Chuah Peng Chooi, Jonas and filed under | 0 Comments »