

1. Please entitle your post 'Paparazzi' or something of the like.
2. Follow the 'Pictures of ..... ' as closely as possible. Be creative. No photoshop-ing. If you cannot find a picture for one of the descriptions, scratch it off and replace it with something else.

3. Tag whoever you want to see look funny.

Picture of me looking up
Picture of May with her mouth open

Picture of Maylyn looking like a fish

Picture of me looking dead tired

Picture of me with cake on my face

Picture with all my friends acting lala

Pictures after LST turned gay and kissed me!!! lolz...

Picture of me saving a ball as keeper

Picture of my futsal team

Picture of me acting cool

Picture of maddy vomiting "oh chien"... lolz... hahahahaha... sorry maddy...
picture of Maylyn the spoon licker

picture that resembles Charlie's Angels... lolz...

picture of Eugene being... Eugene... lolz...

i tag Andy, Eugene, Chia Loon, May, Anna, Fei Cui, Hugo, Roger, Saix and JuLi

good good memories... i miss the drinking game... lolz...
Posted on 10:43 PM by Chuah Peng Chooi, Jonas and filed under | 0 Comments »