a trait most people think they have, but unfortunately, they dont... equality is the acceptance of whatever, whoever and however a person or a thing might be... no judgements, no questions... in the era we are living in, we are suppose to embrace equality as a normality... however, the world is still very skeptical about equality for all... US is embracing it slowly but steadily... what about Malaysia??
i honestly was APPALLED when i saw a program for Malaysians, who are suspected to be homosexuals, are to attend a sort of straight camp... i dont know if its real or fake but this is ridiculously and utterly WRONG in so many ways... as proven by science, homosexuality is genetic and NOT a personal choice by a person... so WHY in God's name is the government doing this?? if they are doing it?? acceptance of ones' pros and cons is the first step to advancing in this modern world... sorry to say, Malaysia isnt doing so... still old fashioned and narrow minded...
people, especially the government, should realize that people are, who they are because they are created in God's vision... if i am a politician, the first order of business for me is to promote equality in this country because i believe everyone is equal no matter their choice of living, choice of partners etc... an easy task?? i doubt so BUT acceptance is the first step to everything... and i HOPE if u encounter someone who has a different personality or preference than you, you shan't dismiss them because that is just rude and very very inhumane... they are humans with emotions too, you know?? so plsssss... open your minds... be more accepting... it wont hurt you to gain another friend u know... just saying... =)
Posted on 1:38 AM by Chuah Peng Chooi, Jonas and filed under | 0 Comments »
i honestly was APPALLED when i saw a program for Malaysians, who are suspected to be homosexuals, are to attend a sort of straight camp... i dont know if its real or fake but this is ridiculously and utterly WRONG in so many ways... as proven by science, homosexuality is genetic and NOT a personal choice by a person... so WHY in God's name is the government doing this?? if they are doing it?? acceptance of ones' pros and cons is the first step to advancing in this modern world... sorry to say, Malaysia isnt doing so... still old fashioned and narrow minded...
people, especially the government, should realize that people are, who they are because they are created in God's vision... if i am a politician, the first order of business for me is to promote equality in this country because i believe everyone is equal no matter their choice of living, choice of partners etc... an easy task?? i doubt so BUT acceptance is the first step to everything... and i HOPE if u encounter someone who has a different personality or preference than you, you shan't dismiss them because that is just rude and very very inhumane... they are humans with emotions too, you know?? so plsssss... open your minds... be more accepting... it wont hurt you to gain another friend u know... just saying... =)