Happiness Bought by $$$

you know the old saying that goes "Money can't buy you happiness"? basically this post is dedicated to this phrase. but in this materialistic and monetary world, let me tweak this phrase a wee bit. Money CAN buy you happiness, but NOT true happiness. okok. before you argue with me or click the "X" button on the top right corner of your screen, let me explain myself ok? haha.

Happiness is relative and subjective. it depends on the person whether something would make them happy or not. in this 21st century era that we live in, people are more materialistic, in the sense that we have to keep up with the LATEST and BEST technology currently available in the market. when something new comes out, you HAVE to get it. lets take the phone industry for example. you have a perfectly good phone, lets say an iPhone 4. but even before the iPhone 5 is released, you are already dreaming of changing your old phone to the newer version. how is this related to happiness you say?

ok. let me ask you a question. when you get something new, how do you feel? excited, nervous and obviously, HAPPY. that is why i find the old phrase obsolete. But BUt BUT, how long is it before you start drooling about the iPhone 6? which brings me to my next point, money CAN buy you happiness. however, this happiness does not last long. when you see a friend or a colleague getting something new, you would want it. no? you might tell yourself, "i have a perfectly good phone. good for him/her for getting a better one. He/She deserves it". but search yourself deeply, somewhere DEEP DEEEEEEEP inside, you are somewhat jealous. why? because you want it too. so your initial happiness of getting a new phone comes to an end. this is just one way that the happiness money buys you end. you might get bored of your gadget, you might find problems you didnt know about etc, in which this leads to my last point.

true happiness... what on earth is that? i think, if you guys and girls know me well enough, you would know where this post is headed. this is definitely my own perspective but i hope it is also yours. for me, true happiness is when you are able to share your wealth with your family and friends. true happiness is happiness that lasts and gives you fond and wonderful memories to ponder on. yes, i know some of you would say, "if i have money, i would spend it on my family for vacations etc". i believe you and i dont believe you at the same time. i believe you because at that moment those words left your mouth, it is deemed true. i dont believe you, and this is subjective as it depends on the persons' character, is that money changes people in dark dark ways. i know because i have seen it. dont ask me who or how, unimportant. but yea.

as i was saying before i got sidetracked, for me, true happiness is much more important than the happiness money can buy for you. you can have all the wealth in the world; big car, big house. but if you are alone in that big house, ask yourself, would you be happy? and i know there are some skeptics out there that would say "YES, i would be happy living alone". let me know who you are, and i will ask you this question again in 20 years, and we shall see whether your answer would be the same? yes money is important, i am not denying that. it takes you places, but i would give up being wealthy and have an average life with the people i love and adore most anytime and any day of the week. agree or disagree depends on you. i dont judge. just saying.
Posted on 2:35 AM by Chuah Peng Chooi, Jonas and filed under | 0 Comments »